그냥 단순히 finally에 return이 있으면 finally 없으면 try나 catch구문의 return

이라고 이해해도 사용은 가능 하지만

실제로는 결정 과정이 좀 복잡하다.

According to ECMA-262 (5ed, December 2009), in pp. 96:

The production TryStatement : try Block Finally is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let B be the result of evaluating Block.
  2. Let F be the result of evaluating Finally.
  3. If F.type is normal, return B.
  4. Return F.

And from pp. 36:

The Completion type is used to explain the behaviour of statements (break, continue, return and throw) that perform nonlocal transfers of control. Values of the Completion type are triples of the form (type, value, target), where type is one of normal, break, continue, return, or throw, value is any ECMAScript language value or empty, and target is any ECMAScript identifier or empty.

It's clear that return false would set completion type of finally as return, which cause try ... finally to do 4. Return F.


참조: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3837994/why-does-a-return-in-finally-override-try

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